There are a lot of sites out there trying to sell tinnitus cures.  They prey on the fact that people are desperate to get rid of the ringing.  In most cases there is no proven evidence that any of these treatments work, however some people do claim that they have helped.  At this time I have decided not to bother listing any of the “remedies” because I don’t use these products.  I may at some time just for information purposes.  For now, though, this list is limited to sites that I personally visit.

Cure Tinnitus

I think this site has the most to offer as far as positive information and practical techniques.  Though a paid subscription is required, there’s a lot of info available for free.  Just a note – at the moment the site seems to be in a transition and there are two versions of the site.  I have not been able to comment or participate on the site but I hope they get it all fixed up soon.  It is run by a Dainis W. Michel and Julian Cowan Hill.  Both tinnitus suffers, though Julian has rid himself of it.  Their unwavering faith that tinnitus is curable is infectious.  Julian’s relaxation techniques are very practical and helpful.

Tinnitus E-Program

This is a site run by Debbie Featherstone who offers a program to help ease tinnitus.  The program is free, however requires that you fill out a survey before and after her course.  In a nutshell the course includes relaxation techniques and strategies to help reduce the anxiety and distress caused by tinnitus.  I use her breathing techniques to calm myself when I am getting stressed.

Tinnitus Support Forum

As far as I know this is the most active forum online for people to discuss tinnitus.  The topics vary across the map.  Just about every possible treatment is discussed.  It’s important to keep in mind that people who no longer suffer from tinnitus probably don’t spend a lot of time hanging out in the forum.  So it makes sense that most questions about a particular treatment will be answered by those for which it didn’t work.  But there are a lot of people there who will understand your situation and it can be a helpful resource.